Let's Chat About Changing Your Water!

Cathy's Recent Articles

Wise Women Connect

Friday, August 2nd at 11am at Hereford House in Leawood is the next Wise Women Connect event. ALL Ladies are welcome to join us and make many new connections and build new relationships with Wise...

Kangen Water is NOT for sick people !!!

Many times we hear, I wish I had heard about this amazing water sooner...SOONER THAN WHEN ???  We preach prevention and we teach hydration, but most people still WAIT to get their own machines until...

Are you a SELFISH Networker?

VERY seldom on this website do we post ANYTHING negative, so let's put a positive spin on SELFISH Networking... Do you bring a guest with you to each Networking event ?  If you are able to attend...

Did you take a DOOR PRIZE ?

If your Networking event allows for a door prize, by all means take ONE.  Put your name, via business card, on said prize and hear your name announced and your company name announced from the front...