many packages do you get delivered each month?Are you so excited when you get to track that delivery, every step of the way?Do you shop...
Posts by Cathy Weaver Finest Book Reviews, I would like to introduce you to Misty Henkel, an International Sales Trainer whose home base it Australia.Misty's...
I love being able to support small businesses and today, we get to share a shop that I really love. Have you heard of A Graceful Touch 1 ?Deby Miller is a great friend of mine; we actually met...
If you go to lots of in-person Networking events and/or virtual events, everyone always seems to want your list of Networking events, right?Many times, the host of an event creates and event page...
Do you have books published on Amazon?Today on Cathy Chat we get to meet Deborah DeWet, who has taken her passion for serving ALL generations to the next level. Her journaling systems appeal to...
I have zoom calls all day, every day, and very little time to take breaks and certainly not much time to prepare snacks, meals, or treats. During this holiday season, I love having egg nog in the...