Many times people ask, which group/organization should I join ? Which group would be the best fit to help me grow my business ???
The answer if multi-fold. First of all, you must know what your specific goals are … SELLING your product or service or BUILDING your company and its reputation by creating and maintaining solid relationships. What if you meet someone, ask for a 1:1 meeting, and then discover the best way to help each other with THOSE specific goals.
Secondly, the best location/event for you to connect with the most people who could be the greatest connections for you and your company needs to be attended BY YOU, not by a marketing person or a sales force from your business.
Thirdly, do Chambers of Commerce work better than national networking groups or smaller organizations ??? Let me say, and I have experienced this to be true, ANY group works if YOU work the group effectively. Attending, meeting, following up … it’s all in the effective networking conversation. The bottom line is, Get Out There and Make a Difference !!!