In 2008, I heard about Kangen Water for the very first time. I have been very interested in health and wellness since the early 80’s and water was always top of my list for improvements, so checking out various filters and other contraptions took quite a bit of my time.
I was involved in a supplement company when I met a top leader in Enagic at a local Networking event. He and his wife told the group that they “give away FREE water” which of course, intrigued the heck outta me – so I headed straight to their table after the meeting.
After a bit of explanation and an invitation to their home to ‘try’ the water and see the device that created this water, I was so excited, I could barely wait for our appointment.
Then comes my skeptic nature, rearing its inquisitive head. My questions brought a smile to their faces, as they had heard it all in their 18 months in the business. What does the water taste like? Why is it different? How does the machines work? Why is it so expensive? Is this a pyramid scheme? How often do you need to change the filter? How long has the company been in business? How is this compensation plan different from all the others out there? My list must have seemed endless to them, but they answered each and every one with gentle authority.
Let me be that person that shows you how this water and this company could really change your life, too, as it has for countless others in our water technology industry. Connect with me and let’s lock arms to #EndPlasticWaste in our environment, once and for all.