Whether you call it Validation or Edification, the message is the same !!! You can change the course of YOUR day and certainly the day of someone else with this SIMPLE message. Do YOU have a smile or a compliment to GIVE AWAY !!! Do it NOW !!!
It is NOT a sign of WEAKNESS to build up someone else; their accomplishments, their success stories, their awards !!! This is the ultimate art form…to be able to EDIFY another !!! That person will NEVER forget you for how you made them feel, and others around will want to know more about that person and what they do !!!
It’s time to make a difference and put yourself OUT of that equation. It’s time to realize that our true purpose in life is to LIFT UP OTHERS along our journey to our own success. It’s time to realize that OTHERS do MATTER and sometimes we just might be that boost they need to launch their career. Get out there and EDIFY today !!! http://bit.ly/NetworkingOnSteroids