Have you been to Networking events where people offer business cards with domain names that are MILES long ? Have you been handed a business card that has an email address that does not contain their own name in it ? Have you known people who have had multiple businesses in the short time that you have been Networking with them ?
There is a very easy and professional way to make sure that you have THE RIGHT email address that will never change and THE RIGHT domain name that will never change, EVER.
My brilliant son explained this to me several years ago and of course, when he speaks, I definitely listen. Now I own www.CathyWeaverKC.com and my email address is Cathy@CathyWeaverKC.com … PERIOD !!! This has come in very handy with the publishing of my first book, “Networking On Steroids” and now my most recent book, “He Hit The Clouds Running … and never looked back … “.
I have been able to add my books to my website without changing the NAME of my domain, thus people who have my business card STILL have the correct location for my Kangen Water information as well as ways to purchase my books.
So I ask again, do you own your own name domain ??? If not, I suggest you do it NOW and worry about the particulars later.