We have several Faithful Friends on Purpose who have chosen to share their expertise and their passions with our Doc and Queenie Community.
Last month, Sabrina Morris shared so many amazing stories about travel, some of the incredible places she has visited and several travel tips that will help many of us with navigating the new waters of leaving our surroundings. Sabrina is a multi-faceted professional, with skills as a photographer, and she is filled with energy and excitement, as you will see, and she loves helping other people. Her first book is “Limitless Success” and something tells me, there is more where that came from.
Join us on our facebook group page on Mondays at High Noon (central time) for Doc and Queenie facebook LIVE and on Thursdays at 7pm central time for Doc and Queenie Bible Trivia and sporadically throughout the month for our Doc and Queenie Guest LIVE segments as we have to coordinate THREE schedules to get that one accomplished.