I have loved the fact that my Kangen Water machine creates 7 different pH levels of water that helps me maintain a GREEN household. I have not used lotion in 7 years; I have not had to use laundry detergent in 7 years; I have not put pharma-grade flea spray on my calico; I have not used mosquito repellent on me or my kiddos; I have not had to purchase toner for my face; the list continues !!!
Being able to have a green home, not to mention NO PLASTIC DRINKING WATER BOTTLES, I have done a little part of what each of us needs to do for the sake of the environment !!! It’s time to start thinking of the futures of our grandchildren; learn all you can about Kangen Water machines and see WHY we continue to be the Gold Standard of water ionizers, the bench mark by which all others measure the efficacy !!! It’s time…order your machine today !!!
Log on to my website and enroll for my free e-book and my free e-newsletter and learn all you can about this water and this machine. People Pets Planet