This is the introduction link – thank you in advance for subscribing to my You Tube Channel so others can benefit from the content.
The subject of grief is never an easy one to discuss but I have discovered over these last 30 years that death and dying are subjects we will all face, if WE live long enough.
I have included the link to my You Tube Channel Playlist for the grief journey book I have written, and now recorded, so for you, it is free. My story is multi-faceted and today I want to discuss Sea Legs.
For many people, getting your Sea Legs has to do with travel – once you have been on a plane, sitting for WAY too long, you need to walk slowly and methodically for a few minutes before your gait is back to your norm. For others, Sea Legs refers to that transition time after a cruise – how it feels to walk on the ship – and then again, walking back on dry land.
My experience with watching others get their Sea Legs after the death of a loved one, also has a bit of a pattern to it. When someone dies, and of course, this is MY opinion and MY journey, it may depend on HOW the person died, a long illness, sudden death, or maybe a car crash … but the grief journey may be similar for many of us.
The first day/week/month/year after a loved one dies may be very foggy days for sure … putting one foot in front of the other may be all you can muster up for that time frame. Sometimes, the fog lifts for a time – then BACK TO FOG again with little or no warning.
My best advice, is BE PATIENT with yourself. As death and dying is different, yet similar, the grief journey is complex yet does offer a bit of a pattern for many of us.
Sea Legs may also have to do with C legs – Confidence about trying your hand at total INDEPENDENCE rather than the DEPENDENCE you may have enjoyed for years before the death. Can you go out in public again ? Can you smell a certain fragrance again ? Can you hear a certain song again ? Can you handle that holiday yet ? Can you flip the page of that calendar yet ? The DeathVersary is another very real thing – the calendar can be your best friend – OR your very worst enemy … and then MY take is … How can we help other people through their grief journey – in my case, I offer some tips in one of my books … “He Hit The Clouds Running … and never looked back … ”
May you get your Sea Legs !!!