Have you ever gotten a ‘prompting’ or perhaps you call it a gentle nudge from above ?
Sometimes it is audible – sometimes it is a feeling or a push – but for me, one Tuesday morning at 3:30 am, I was awakened with a word to go to a specific store, for what exactly, I knew not. I did not even imagine or believe it at the time, nor did I know the reason for the nudge … yet.
SO the prompting was still on my heart once I got my day started, so I went to that specific store, where I only shop once or twice a YEAR, ever. When I entered the building, I was instantly drawn to the Christmas decoration section. I have always had a very magnetized relationship with all things Christmas and decorations so this was not unusual. As I passed an aisle or two, I came upon a sleeve of Gold Glitter Gift Box ornaments in a large cardboard case, all by itself. (The reader may be interested to know that a few days earlier, I had searched some of my favorite online shopping sites for Gold Glitter Gift Box ornaments, with less than stellar results.) I continued my journey down this aisle, as I knew at the end of it would be very large ornaments, where I had purchased a few in prior years as I have a pallet tree outside that was in need, of course, of one more gold glitter ornament. Browsing up and down each shelf, lo and behold, another sleeve of Gold Glitter Gift Box ornaments, again, all by itself !!!
How was it that NO OTHER COLOR was available nor were there several sleeves from which to choose – just the one lone sleeve in each of the now empty cases. The story would, and perhaps could end here but more Godwinks are in store for me. Now super excited about my joyful haul of Gold Glitter Gift Box ornaments, (for my Christmas tree, that holds almost 500 ornaments, so you see why I really NEEDED additional sparkle) I proceeded to the checkout. The cashier and I exchanged holiday chatter, she was very kind and friendly, and I placed my 3 glorious finds on the counter, two sleeves of Gold Glitter Gift Box ornaments and my large gold sparkly ornament for outdoor decorating.
Much to my MAJOR surprise, the sleeves, the only ones left in the store, because I then engaged in a bit of a scavenger hunt to SEE if there are more of any color at this point, were on SALE – two for one – WHAT !!! The Gold Glitter Gift Box ornaments were very inexpensive already and 2 for 1 was an incredible surprise, and certainly, from the God I serve, a Godwink and Blessing from Him.
I wanted to share this Godwink as a reminder for all of us reading it, to look up every once in a while just to say Thank You for Blessings we didn’t even know we needed, or wanted, as God guides each and every one of our steps. He is to be Praised.