I had no idea that a pituitary gland was responsible for so much AND that a SICK or SLEEPING pituitary gland could wreak havoc on the human body.
Everyone is talking about the latest greatest bright and shiny when it comes to anti-aging: skin cream, skin mask, skin vitamins, anti-oxidation supplementation – but WHERE does the aging process actually begin, was my question.
Research indicates that weight gain, weight loss, thyroid malfunction, excessive sweating, moodiness, headaches – SO MUCH – is controlled by that pituitary gland – SO how do we feed it as it begins to rest over the years ??? Yes, a great diet; yes, lots of exercise; yes, lots of restful sleep; yes, lots of sunshine but in this fast-paced let’s have it NOW society, I wanted it and I wanted it (the answer) immediately. Could ANYTHING wake up my apparently DEAD pituitary gland.
For me, the answer is New U Life and the product is Somaderm, a human growth hormone gel applied directly to the skin. Rather than trying to explain what the doctors do best, check out my website and listen in on the calls each week. I am new to this product myself but I do know the people and the source of this knowledge if you have questions. HGH – who knew ??? Human Growth Hormone is what I was missing and I am SO glad that it found ME !!!