When I first heard of Kangen Water in 2008, I was like most people with this skeptical nature, and I began ‘researching’ to find out ALL I could about this water and why it is different. Then, of course, I needed to know what this water tasted like.
I look back on these years that I have been with Enagic, the Kangen Water Company, and smile, as I know EXACTLY what the people I meet will have as their own next steps to discovering this technology and experiencing what it can do for so many of us.
Can you believe I met Mr. Ohshiro IN PERSON ? Can you believe I have been to several of our Water Offices and Stores in the USA (Los Angeles USA Headquarters is the one pictured above) ? Can you believe I have met SO MANY top leaders in our company ? Can you believe that the top leader in Enagic has not even been found yet ? And p.s. I KNOW you are out there and I want to find you – or have YOU find ME.
When you find a career and a product that Bless other people on a DAILY basis, you know you are in the right place, and this is what Enagic, the Kangen Water Company does for me.
Subscribe to my e-newsletter if you would like to learn all you can about this alkaline water and why it is different than so many others out there. Connect with me when you are ready to make a real difference in the lives of those you love and care about. I said YES in 2008 and I have NEVER looked back on that decision.