Today, “Life Changing” is a very over-used description !!! Enagic’s slogan is and has been “Change Your Water, Change Your Life” for a very simple reason – Kangen Water WORKS !!!
Not only as a skeptic was I NEVER going to change to Kangen Water from my perfectly healthy tap water (I KNEW bottled was not a good choice for me or my family) but I could NOT swallow the $4,000 price tag for this ‘Miracle Water’ !!!
I did my due diligence and researched all I could about Kangen and Enagic AND all the ‘competitors’ out there – LUCKILY I came to the correct conclusion – Kangen Water DOES change lives, and it certainly has changed mine.
We won’t go into the health issues my children had when I got my first machine – but suffice it to say, there is not a day that goes by that I do not thank GOD for watching over my introduction to Kangen Water !!! All things work together for good to those who love the Lord – AMEN !!!
If you are that skeptic – if you are that one who feels that ‘Life Changing’ is over-used, I implore YOU to do YOUR due diligence !!! There are HOURS of research available on my website !!!
To your health !!!