Have you ordered your replacement filter yet for your Kangen Water device ???
Your life-altering device/s will alert you when the filter needs to be replaced. There is a ‘reset’ button, allowing you some time to order from our company, but that is merely a convenience so you will not be without your Kangen Water.
Cleaning these machines is SO easy, there are several HOW TO videos on YouTube, and running the Beauty Water each day for several minutes, as recommended by the Company, is another way to keep from having mineral build-up on the titanium plates, coated in platinum.
Be sure to order today, as the filter sale is over June 30, 2018. You MUST order the correct filter for your specific device, as we offer HG – HG-N – and F-8, each for specific models of our machines. Check the filter you have now and order the same replacement. www.Enagic.com
Contact me for more information and if you have any questions regarding Kangen Water and these amazing water ionizers. www.KCWaterCoach.com