When is the last time you attended a Networking event and left that event realizing that you MISSED some strategic opportunities ? We all do this but how can you make sure you DON’T miss the next one ?
It is SO important to have a PLAN when you attend an event. You need to make a list of what you want to accomplish at each event…meeting a new person or two…making a new connection that will benefit your company…walking away with that lead that could change the course of your business…learning a new skill from the speaker…experiencing a new restaurant that you may wish to use for YOUR OWN events for next time…
Whatever the reason/s is that you want to attend that Networking event, make SURE you have a plan in place. We ALL attend events for the purpose of making a new connection or re-connecting with those we already know, but the TRUE plan needs to be goal-driven. WHO will be there – WHAT will you say – WHEN will you set that appointment for a 1:1 meeting with them – MAKE A PLAN and write it down…this will come more naturally to you as your Networking skills are secured but for now, WRITE IT DOWN and practice.