Have you attended a Networking coffee, sponsored by the Olathe Chamber of Commerce yet ? Did you know that the Olathe Chamber of Commerce is the LARGEST Chamber of Commerce in Johnson County ? Did you know that these coffees are FREE to attend for our guests ? Did you know that I will introduce you and your business to over 150 of my closest business partners ? Did you know that we meet WEEKLY at a different location in Olathe each week ?
It’s time to find out more about this Chamber of Commerce and how this Chamber of Commerce changed the course of my business, Miracles With Water, in September of 2008 !!! I am happy to do your intro for you – we do not put our guests and first-timers on the spot – and I will help you make the connections you have previously only dreamed about !!! Check out the website www.Olathe.org to find out where we will be each week. Every Thursday morning at 9am, the Olathe Chamber of Commerce meets with YOU and YOUR COMPANY and YOUR SUCCESS in mind !!! JOIN US !!!
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