The fortune is in the follow up some say. You just left that dynamic Networking event with a stack of business cards you collected so NOW WHAT DO YOU DO with those cards ??? You can use a card scanning system, a business card book…that is your choice, but EACH person you just met needs and deserves a phone call. The purpose of your call could be to set up a time for that 1:1 appointment, to thank them for attending the event, to say it was nice to meet them; whatever is your comfort zone for the follow-up conversation.
The 1:1 appointment is most likely what will result in your initial call so this is YOUR opportunity to get to know each other better and to find out more about each others’ businesses. How will you know what type of client or prospect to refer to your new friend if you don’t really KNOW what they do. It is up to you to make that first move/call so DO NOT DELAY…your new friend is expecting your call within about 48 hours !!!