When people ask – HOW do you fit SO much into a daily/weekly/monthly calendar ??? You know we all have the very same 24 hours in a day…to that end, time management is a challenge for many business owners. We wear all the hats in our business and that brings with it other struggles for more time.
The best thing to offer here is a daily planner. The smart phone calendar can keep your appointments straight, hopefully, but to keep the daily/hourly minutia in check may be another story.
How much time do you spend on social media posting…and viewing ??? How much time do you spend on phone conversations ??? Could any of those amounts of time be shortened to make your day more effective ???
Setting a timer for daily tasks is a useful reminder to NOT spend too much time on one thing … Setting reminders for the NEXT task at hand could help with NO TIME WASTING … making a list to be able to check OFF what you have accomplished is another method for increased productivity…everyone must find what works best for them.