When some people attend a Networking event, they have, perhaps, unrealistic expectations. I am going to sell 100 of my …………. widgets or I am going to add a zillion new prospects to my email blast list.
What would happen if everyone went to a Networking event with the sole purpose of making a new Connection, a Solid Connection, or two ??? There are those of us who value, treasure even, the people we have met at Networking events. For me, one of my favorite groups is No Excuses Networking, as these ladies, and gentlemen, have truly become my Networking tribe. What does that mean, exactly ??? I know I could call any of the peeps in this group for help/connections/advice and they would take my call and make time for me. THAT in itself, these days, is a Blessing for the ages.
Find a group that warms your heart with members who are actually happy to see you and treasure your friendship, too !!! Look for us on facebook and if you are in the Kansas City Metro area, join us one of these upcoming Thursdays from 11:30-1pm at Fazoli’s in Olathe, Kansas.