What does your avatar look like ?

We have all heard of the avatars that some social media sites ‘create’ for us – and our ideal client avatar, but what would it look like if you had a very creative and informative avatar as your ‘screen saver’ when you are on a #zoom call ???

When we are ‘zooming’ much of the day, and you must turn OFF video, does your profile photo show – or just your name ???

What would it look like if you had your business info UP on the screen, as a reminder to your fellow Networkers of who you are and what you do ???

This avatar incorporates my website for my Kangen Water business, as well as the logo for the Happy Neighborhood Project AND my qr code for my digital business card, and my Enagic logo, of course.

My friend, Anna Tuchin, who I met at HNP, she is a CoHost for #HNP #Iowa – and she offered to create this avatar for me – I seriously LOVE it. The proportions are perfect and the resolution shows quite well on the screen IF I ever DO need to put Video OFF on my zoom calls.


Cathy Weaver

Cathy Weaver began Networking full time in June of 2008, when she founded her Miracles With Water company. She started Networking all over the Greater Kansas City area and was soon referred to as a ‘Master Networker’. Her involvement in these groups over the years has actually awarded her designations such as 2012 Volunteer of the Year for the Olathe Chamber of Commerce; a four-time Bartlett-Olson Membership Achievement Award Recipient; and Cathy was voted into the KC Magazine’s 2013 Class of Most Influential Women. In 2018, Cathy was selected as the Kansas Women Business Advocate of the Year by the Kansas Department of Commerce. With the success of her Kangen Water business, dba Miracles With Water, Cathy also found the time to write 3 books: "Networking On Steroids" published in 2012, "He Hit The Clouds Running...and never looked back" published in 2017 and "Networking On Steroids PQ" published in 2020. From #water to #networking to #grief and beyond, Cathy may be that person YOU would like to have speak to your group, virtually, of course.

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