When you have several ‘jobs’, usually a typical 9-5 and another income stream, home-business of some type, and you MEET someone NEW, which business do you say FIRST when someone says Hi ???
It is a VERY normal and common thing for people meeting someone for the first time to say, “Hi, What do YOU do ???” SO if you have two businesses, which do you mention first ??? YOU LOVE your ‘passion’ business, but you list your J.O.B. as your primary identifier … why is that ???
If you have a passion that you LOVE, address that company primarily !!! Then say, while I am building my ______ business, I am also working as an accountant or a _______ . Once my business dollars support me, I will be saying good-bye to corporate !!!
SAY the job you LOVE first…THEN mention your 9-5 !!! It gives you an entirely different posturing for your success !!!