Kangen Water is MY CHOICE !!!

Making the decision to have a Kangen Water machine in my home and the homes of my friends and family is one of the best I have ever made.  This water is smooth and refreshing and we are excited to...

The First Step, 6A !!!

With our Company, Enagic, there are MANY steps to success and each level is certainly celebrated.  The beginning levels are 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, and a milestone for many is 6A.  These levels...

Eclipse Frenzy ???

Whether you are excited, bored, or have no clue what is happening, the bottom line is, some people LOVE science and others just want to know how it will affect them personally.      Kangen Water...

Keep those machines clean !!!

If you are the proud owner of an Enagic Kangen Water machine, you must maintain your device.  The machine cleans itself every 15 gallons automatically. We also suggest that you run the Beauty Water...

Filters are ON SALE !!!

Our company offers our replacement filters at a reduced price twice a year.  The great news for you is, JUNE is one of those SALE MONTHS.If you already have your own Kangen Water life-altering...

Kangen Water Changes Lives

This is not a 'slogan' this is a fact !!!  I started my Kangen Water Success Journey in June of 2008 and have never looked back.My Kangen Water machine was a primary focus in my kitchen, offering...