Kangen 8 Arrives in Kansas City

Here it is !!!  https://youtu.be/Foz7OfM-sYcIn July 2014, my Kangen 8 water ionizer was delivered !!!  We had an unveiling party so members of our spectacular water team could SEE for themselves...

NEVER Make it a Competition !!!

SO many times, someone will post on a social media site that they are suffering with A, B, or C ailment.  The avalanche or SURE FIRE remedies is most assuredly going to bombard this person, who is...

Kangen Water is for Pets, TOO !!!

I am asked about whether or not pets can drink Kangen Water ... not ONLY CAN they drink it, they SHOULD drink it -Dogs have skin allergies and are allergic to GRASS - well, if they DRINK Kangen...