Ukon Organic Turmeric Tea !!!

Have you tried authentic organic turmeric tea yet ???  I got my shipment, a WHOLE CASE, of Enagic's Ukon Tea and I have loved drinking it and sharing it with others !!!One thing I learned on a...

Kangen Water is a MUST HAVE !!!

We get calls from all over the country, literally, inquiring about this dynamic technology.  WHY is Kangen Water different ?? HOW is Kangen Water different ?? WHEN will I notice results from...

Turmeric Tea

Everyone is hearing or has heard of turmeric ... it's in the news now ALL the time.  How would you like to experience 100% organic turmeric in capsule form ??? We have it at Enagic as Ukon...


Now is the time to order your Kangen Water machine filter !!!  Enagic's sale period is the month of June ONLY so do not wait until the last minute...ORDER NOW !!!

Cleaning Fruits and Vegetables

If the water you use to clean your fruits and vegetables does not get anything OFF that produce, that does not mean your produce does not HAVE anything ON it, it means that your water does not...