, even the WORD 'holiday' causes lots of emotion, right?When a loved one is gone, holidays can be even more overwhelming and filled...
Category: Bereavement
For those of you who have read my books and supported my blog posts and subscribed to my YouTube channel, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart ... truly I do.I get to chat about death... attend virtual Networking events on a platform called Alignable. In one of the Smart Connects (speed networking) I met a dynamic lady who heard... people are planning and working on leaving a legacy for and TO their loved ones.I have also met people who have 'decided' that when... you made plans for what happens to your social media accounts and your website and even your company once you are dead?Do you want your... those of you who follow me regularly on social media, I am hoping to make the conversation regarding death just a bit easier to start with...