Kangen Water is a Must !!!

Every home and office deserves the blessing that is Kangen Water.  People's lives need to be changed and we are the ones in this dynamic Enagic organization to help that change take place.If you...

Keep those machines clean !!!

If you are the proud owner of an Enagic Kangen Water machine, you must maintain your device.  The machine cleans itself every 15 gallons automatically. We also suggest that you run the Beauty Water...

We Are Tickled Purple !!!

The color that describes a great alkaline pH level is purple.  Kangen Water 9.5 pH measures as purple in color SO we say often, I Am Tickled Purple.Since our Kangen Water Family's goal and our...

Filters are ON SALE !!!

Our company offers our replacement filters at a reduced price twice a year.  The great news for you is, JUNE is one of those SALE MONTHS.If you already have your own Kangen Water life-altering...