Did you know that Edwin Edebiri, Chief Happiness Officer of the Happy Neighborhood Project, was recognized by the United Nations for his work in Global Happiness and with collaborative efforts, the International Day of Happiness was born.
Fast forward a decade, this day is celebrated on March 20th, and the Happy Neighborhood Project has a LARGE event on the Friday before as a Networking Opportunity, complete with vendor booths and prizes and speakers and entertainment and SPEED NETWORKING !!!
In this YouTube video, you will see some of the highlights of this IDH 2023. We utilized the HopIn.com platform and the navigation continues to be a HUGE chance to spotlight speakers and winners and presenters ON STAGE.
Thank you in advance for subscribing to my You Tube Channel, Cathy Weaver KC, and when you are ready to Network in the Happy Neighborhood, please click this link to take a look at all the FREE NETWORKING events that we offer each and every week, including the Orientation Classes that are held every Wednesday at 4pm pacific time.
See you soon !!!