When I first met Denise Vargas of Live Creatively, Inc. fame, I was instantly drawn to the fact that she does not let ANYTHING get her down. She overheard her doctor, at one of her numerous visits, tell her mother that he did not anticipate Denise would live past the age of 10. She has defied that prognosis by decades now and we in her fRamily are certainly glad she has.
Please connect with Denise at https://bit.ly/LiveCreativelyDeVa and get that coffee chat you have been waiting for.
Denise Vargas is the President of Live Creatively, Inc. and she serves the Happy Neighborhood Project Community as a Captain, Servant Leader, and she also serves on the Board Of Directors of the Happy CoOp, a global CoOp that began in 2021.
Thank you for tuning in to Cathy Chat.