Have you heard ??? Dr. Laura L. Christine, who has been an avid gardener for over 35 years now, has decided to help others grow their own Kitchen Gardens, virtually or IN PERSON.
What IS a Kitchen Garden ? Why do you want/need a Kitchen Garden ? How do you get started with a Kitchen Garden ? What can you grow in a Kitchen Garden ? These questions and even more will be answered as Doc shares her expertise with all of us on the March 1st, 2021 edition of Doc and Queenie facebook LIVE.
Join us every Monday at High Noon central time for some Girl Chat with a Faith Twist. Mark your calendars, Save The Date, and connect with the Doc and Queenie Community at www.facebook.com/groups/DocAndQueenie. We hope to meet YOU very soon.
Congratulations, Doc !!! www.KitchenGardenExpert.com