Few times EVER will you find me making a video about the K-Room (my affectionate term for that room in my house that is ONLY in mine for resale) and even fewer times will you find me sharing a recipe or certainly a technique for accomplishing a Kitchen task.
I am on #zoom calls literally all day long with very little time in between meetings, so there is even smaller blocks of time to prepare any type of a meal. I do love hard boiled eggs but the MESS I create when peeling them makes it completely NOT WORTH THE EFFORT.
So here comes my YouTube video – I finally found a way that really DOES work every time for me, and yes, I have tested the baking soda method – nope – the ‘older eggs’ method – nope – the ice bath method – STILL NOPE until the steamer basket popped into my life.
Take a look and a listen and learn for yourselves what has worked for me to boil and egg and then to PEEL that hard-boiled egg for those quick snacks and lunches.