What have the first several months of 2020 looked like for you ? Remember in January you set your goals and your expectations for a fabulous NEW YEAR – a fabulous NEW DECADE ?
We all know what happened in the United States in March of 2020. We were faced with a Pandemic with global reach and global impact. For those of us who relied on Networking to change the course of our business every month, this shut down caused us to pivot. Everyone was forced to work from home OR WORSE, not go in to your business at all, with NO income to show for that.
Parents became instant teachers as the Spring Break was ‘extended indefinitely’ and teleconferencing systems increased their subscribers by enormous numbers. What did the Pandemic 2020 do to your business ? What did Quarantine mean for you and your family ? Were your finances affected by this #StayHome order ?
There were SO many ramifications of this season and that forced my sequel to Networking On Steroids to Networking On Steroids PQ, A Guide To Networking In A World, Post Quarantine. I will be reading, and discussing, this book on my YouTube channel so be sure to subscribe, Cathy Weaver KC, and follow along.