As we prepare to celebrate our 3rd Anniversary – can you believe it – of Women In Networking, Connecting For Christ, we invite you to meet these amazing faith-filled ladies who attend each month.
Women In Networking, Connecting For Christ began in August of 2016. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30am at BreakPointe Community Church in Overland Park, Kansas. We offer Praise and Worship, Fun and Fellowship, Networking tips and door prizes, too.
ALL ladies are invited and encouraged to join us as we offer a chance for vendor booths/tables at each of our events, too. We have music, a guest speaker, Networking time before and after the event, and the opportunity for each lady to exchange business cards for future follow-up coffee dates.
Be sure to join us for our next event on Wednesday, March 20th and invite that lady you know who may be needing some girl time, to connect with other professionals. Follow our facebook page and be sure to bring lots of business cards, and a door prize, if you wish.