I am sure you have had times in your life where you are wondering – where is God – perhaps – Help Me God – and various forms of questions and challenges. For me, I have found that when I just sit back and watch, I can SEE God’s Presence all around me; I call them God Winks, as He is winking at me to remind me that He is there, ALL the time.
How could we possibly thank Him for the answers to prayer He gives us? We have been pleading – please let this and this and this work out – QUICKLY, please – and then voila’ – He gives us more than we could have ever even IMAGINED as the response. Experiencing all of these amazing answers to Prayer and Thanking Him for His amazing Goodness, has led me to the conclusion that You Cannot Outgive God !!!
We ask for a specific something and of course, we want that something accomplished our way. Well, for me, I am now able to Thank Him for whatever I request, in advance, and then just watch how He moves all the Chess pieces around on my board, getting everything in place, to give me an even LARGER answer than I could have even prayed for. There are many things I do not understand, certainly, but I am grateful each and every day for the numerous answers to prayer I have received, even bigger answers than my original requests. Has someone you prayed for been healed? Did you get that new job you and your family needed? Did you get the parking spot close to the door? Did you figure out that personal or business puzzle that was stifling your growth? There are many answers to prayer, and may your days, too, be Blessed.