I would NEVER have guessed in a MILLION YEARS that one of my titles would be Author !!! When I began Networking full time in 2008, when I co-founded my company, Miracles With Water, I had NO IDEA what Networking even meant. Through attempts and improvements on some skills and techniques I view in others, I became a STRONG SUPPORTER of all things Networking.
By attending as many functions as I could those first couple years, I was actually asked to ‘speak’ to groups and organizations about NETWORKING !!! Because of the amazing support and encouragement by the people I was meeting, the consensus was that I SHOULD WRITE A BOOK and “Networking On Steroids” was born !!! I am thrilled and honored by the reach the book has had since it was published in 2012 and I love hearing what parts of it have been especially helpful.
THEN in 2016, I met Delinda Layne, Singer, Author, Confidence Coach Extraordinaire at a Meetup group near my office. I love her constant positive outlook on life and soon enlisted her as my Coach. During one of our sessions, she asked each of us, there were 2 other ladies in the sessions with me, to tell her about us. I gave my usual light-hearted answer about being a full-time Networker with a great business with Kangen Water and she did NOT accept that … TELL ME ABOUT YOU !!!
By the time this session was complete, she had ‘suggested’ that I compile a list of What To Say to a survivor when someone has died, and What NOT To Say to a survivor when someone has died…by the next MONDAY !!! Then she said, “You should write a book about your experiences … it would bless others” !!! ANOTHER BOOK – well, when Delinda Layne ‘suggests’ something, your answer needs to be YES, so “He Hit The Clouds Running … and never looked back … ” was published in 2017.
Again, I am honored and a bit overwhelmed by the reach of BOTH my books, and humbled beyond belief. The Networking book has been a teaching tool, perhaps, to those who are NEW to Networking, as well as those of us who have been around the block for a bit. The “clouds” book, as I call it, has served as a platform for others to share their personal experiences of death and dying and survivorship, as many of us serve as full-time caregivers before we are given the blessing of preparing someone’s Heavenly Homecoming Celebration.
If you are interested in either, or both, books, please contact me. Because of HOW GREAT our God is, I have been asked to share what I have learned with others and I now do conference calls as well as webinars, and or course, some public Networking/Speaking trainings and workshops.
To each of us, who never knew Author would be added to our list of accomplishments, I implore you to keep your mind AND your heart open to those around you who many NEED exactly what YOU have to offer.